VieGenix Human DNA Testing

Welcome to VieGenix Laboratory Services, your trusted partner in DNA testing solutions. At VieGenix, we offer a comprehensive range of DNA testing options designed to provide you with valuable insights into your genetic makeup, ancestry, and health profile. Whether you’re exploring your family history, seeking answers to medical questions, or navigating legal matters, our state-of-the-art laboratory and experienced team are here to support you every step of the way.

What's the difference between legal and non-legal testing?

Legal DNA Testing

Legal DNA testing, also known as court-admissible or chain-of-custody DNA testing, is performed under strict guidelines to ensure the integrity and admissibility of results in legal proceedings. This type of DNA testing is often required for purposes such as paternity/maternity establishment, child custody disputes, immigration cases, and inheritance claims.

Non-Legal DNA Testing

Non-legal DNA testing, also known as direct-to-consumer or informational DNA testing, is conducted for personal use and does not adhere to the strict legal standards required for court-admissible testing. This type of DNA testing is often used for purposes such as ancestry exploration, genetic health risk assessment, and exploring familial relationships.

Types of Human DNA Testing


Give us a call for all paternity testing. 

A paternity test is the most conclusive way to determine a relationship between a child and an alleged father

This test requires the mother, the child, and the alleged father to submit samples. The mother’s participation is encouraged because we can identify the DNA she has passed along to the child, with the remaining DNA to be contributed by the biological father.

The Combined Paternity Index (CPI)- a ratio indicating how many times more likely it is that the tested male is the biological father than a randomly selected unrelated man with a similar ethnic background. The higher the CPI, the stronger the results. The CPI of a trio is 1 million, while the average CPI of a motherless case is 10,000.

Results: 2-days

Who’s Tested: One Mother , One Child, and One Alleged Father 

Paternity can be determined using a simple blood-draw from the mother and a buccal-swab collection from the alleged father. This non-invasive prenatal test is completely safe for both mother and unborn child and utilizes the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to generate results. The technology examines 2,688 SNP (pronounced snip) markers in the DNA to develop the data used to calculate whether or not the alleged father is the biological father of the fetus.

How It Works

  • We are able to separate fetal DNA from the mother’s DNA to create a DNA profile for the fetus (cells from the developing fetus float freely in the bloodstream of the pregnant mother); these fetal cells can be detected as early as the 7th week of pregnancy
  • We can develop a DNA profile of the fetal cells and compare the profile to the DNA profile of the alleged father
  • Benefits

    • No ultrasound needed as with other invasive prenatal paternity tests
    • No risk to pregnancy since the blood-draw for the mother is done intravenously through the arm

    Who needs to be tested?

    • Mother and Alleged Father (AF)

    Turnaround Time

    • 3-7 business days from receipt of all samples

    NOTE: Three (3) business days turnaround is express service, which carries an additional fee.

Paternity can be detected when the mother is unwilling or unavailable to be tested.

Who needs to be tested?

  • One Child and One Alleged Father (AF)

Turnaround Time

  • 1-2 business days from receipt of all samples

NOTE: One (1) business day is express service which carries an additional fee.

A maternity test is performed to confirm the biological relationship between a mother and child—for immigration cases, adoption,or other situations

Who needs to be tested?

One (1) Alleged Mother (AM) and one (1) Child

Turnaround Time

1-2 business days from receipt of all samples

NOTE: One (1) business day is express service, which carries an additional fee.


Give us a call for all relationship testing. 

Alleged father unavailable to test? No problem! VieGenix offers a variety if relationship testing. 

A grandparentage test helps figure out if a child is related to their father’s family when the father isn’t around or doesn’t want to take the test, and there’s no way to get a sample from him after he has passed away.

Who needs to be tested?

  • One (1) Mother, one (1) Child, and both Paternal Parents (Mother [PM] and Father [PF] of the Alleged Father [AF])  

Turnaround Time

  • Five (5) business days from receipt of all samples

A single grandparentage test is performed to determine a child’s relationship to the alleged father’s family when the alleged father is unavailable or unwilling and no post-mortem sample is available.

Who needs to be tested?

  • One Mother, one Child, and one of the Paternal Parents (Mother [PM] or Father [PF] of the Alleged Father [AF])  

Turnaround Time

  • 5 business days from receipt of all samples

There are two types of relationships that siblings can share: Full Siblingship and Half Siblingship. Full Siblings share two common parents and half-siblings share just one common parent.

Full Siblingship with a Common Parent Participating

A full siblingship test can be performed if the two individuals (Sibling 1, Sibling 2) know they share the same mother, but want to know if they share the same father (who is unavailable for testing).

Full Siblingship without a Common Parent Participating

We can perform a full siblingship test even if the mother is not available for testing. The mother’s participation is always encouraged for more conclusive results.

Half Siblingship with Two Parents (not in common) Participating

A half siblingship test is performed if the two individuals (Sibling 1, Sibling 2) know they have different mothers but want to know if they share the same father (who is unavailable for testing).

Half Siblingship without Parents Participating

We can perform a half siblingship test even if one or both mothers are not available for testing. However, a mother’s participation is always encouraged for more conclusive results.

Turnaround Time

  • Five (5) business days from receipt of all samples

An avuncular test is performed to determine if two individuals are related to each other as aunt–nephew (or niece) or as uncle–nephew (or niece).

Who needs to be tested?

  • One (1) Mother, one (1) Child and one (1) Full Sibling (FS) of the deceased or missing Alleged Father (AF)

Turnaround Time

  • Five (5) business days from receipt of all samples

The Y-STR paternal lineage test is used to determine whether two or more males are related through their fathers (through the paternal/male line)

Who needs to be tested?

  • Two (2) or more males who believe they share the same male lineage  

Turnaround Time

  • Five (5) business days from receipt of all samples

The mtDNA maternal lineage test is used to determine whether two or more individuals are related through their mothers (through the maternal/female line)

Who needs to be tested?

  • Two individuals trying to determine if they share a maternal line.  These individuals can be male or female.

Turnaround Time

  • 14 business days from receipt of all samples

NOTE: There is no express service for this type of testing

A twin zygosity test is a DNA test that definitively shows whether twins are identical or fraternal.

When twins are born, doctors can usually tell if they are identical or fraternal by looking at the placenta. But sometimes, records get lost, the placenta is thrown away or damaged before they can check, or there might be doubts because of how the twins look. In these situations, only a DNA test can show the real answer. A twin zygosity test compares the twins’ DNA to see if they match. If they match perfectly, it means the twins are identical.

Who needs to be tested?

  • One (1) set of twins

Turnaround Time

  • Two (2) business days from receipt of all samples


Our lifestyle testing options include ancestry, skin care, weight loss and food sensitivity. 

DNA Food & Pet Sensitivity is a science based DNA test that reveals how genes may make a person more sensitive to common irritants in eight key areas:

  1. Gluten 
  2. Peanut
  3. Lactose
  4. Other Foods 
  5. Cow Milk Protein
  6. Histamine
  7. Egg
  8. Pet Dander 
  • Learning about their potential predisposition to food and pet sensitivities at the cellular level can empower a person to make targeted changes—both in their personal environment and in how they eat—that can help them live a more comfortable life.
  • Suggestions for lifestyle and supplement changes are included in the report, providing clear direction for how to manage any food or pet sensitivities
  • DNA analysis, dietary tips, lifestyle tips, and supplement tips are science-based

Results: Within 3 weeks or less

Healthy Weight DNA Testing is a revolutionary DNA test and program that first examines genetic markers (SNPs) that influence weight and then provides customized diet and exercise strategies for a healthier life. 


  • Learning more about an individual’s genetic profile to achieve a healthy weight 
  • Ability to meet caloric needs and nutrients
  • Recommended best exercises

Results: Within 3 weeks or less

Benefits of GPS Origins®:

  • The first and best DNA test with bio-geographical targeting capability to the town or village level
  • Identifies when and where DNA was formed by matching the populations that came together to create a genetic line
  • Traces the migration route of both maternal and paternal lineages, showing the last three (3) locations where a DNA signature underwent significant changes
  • Provides detailed stories helping to explain DNA mixture events such as wars, famines, and migrations
  • Developed by a leading population geneticist from the University of Sheffield in England

Results Include:

  • Dynamic online experience featuring an interactive map, allowing you to zoom into GPS pinpoints—revealing towns and cities
  • Online results feature:
  1. Maps of the top three ancestral origins (the gene pools or ancestral communities that contributed to significant portions of the genetic makeup) along with the percentages of DNA inherited from each
  2. A comprehensive gene-pool profile with DNA percentages that goes well beyond basic ethnicity tests
  3. A detailed map illustrating maternal and paternal migration journeys with descriptions on how an ancestors’ circumstances may have changed as they crossed territories and continents to find better lives.


Within 30 business days

Early Gender Detection

Give us a call for early gender detection testing. 

At VieGenix use the most exacting scientific approach to determining baby’s gender. With a small blood sample, we can determine gender with 99.5% accuracy—the highest available! It’s easy, affordable and accurate—and exactly why it’s the only early baby gender reveal test endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.

Turn Around Time

  • 2 business days from receipt of samples