Employer Drug Testing

Drug-Free Workplace Programs:
Assisting Employers Nationwide

We can build your drug-free workplace program to your preference. Don’t want to waste time and money testing for marijuana because it’s legal in your state, let’s not test for it! Are you a Non-DOT establishment, an establishment that’s not required to follow The Department of Transportation regulations, but wants to conduct random testing quarterly, to save on insurance cost? Let’s set that up! Need background investigation? VieGenix is here to help!
Fill out our Employer Registration Form below to give us an idea of what you’re looking for in a drug-free workplace program!

Performance and Behavioral Problems Caused by Substance Abuse

  • Increased absenteeism: Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to be absent more than eight days a year than their peers. Employers with absenteeism rates greater than 15% that instituted a drug-testing program saw a reduction of absenteeism by about 50% overall.
  • Increased accidents and workers’ compensation (WC) claims – WC claims filed by substance abusers as much as double the cost of a WC claim. According to Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), employers that instituted a drug testing program saw a decrease of about 50% in WC claims.
  • Loss of productivity: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reports substance abusers are 33% less productive than their peers. According to a SHRM survey, employers who instituted a drug-testing program saw a 19% increase in productivity.
  • Employee turnover: Substance abusers change jobs as often as three times per year, according to SHRM
  • Carelessness, mistakes and/or poor decision making.
  • Theft.

Numbers for the initial use of illicit substances are:

  • 4.9 million new alcohol users
  • 3 million new marijuana users
  • 2 million misused prescription painkillers
  • 886,000 new heroin users
  • Approximately 19.7 million people age 12 or older had a substance use disorder in 2017. The most common illicit drug use disorders are with marijuana (4.1 million people) and opioids (2.1 million people).
  • 70% of drug abusers are employed, and the loss to companies in the U.S. totals $100 billion per year


2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an annual survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is considered the leading authority on the topic.

Employer Registration
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(if applicable)
Primary Contact
The Primary Company Contact is typically an individual designated by a company to serve as the main point of contact for communication and coordination with external entities, clients, or regulatory bodies. This person will be responsible for managing the relationship with VieGenix Laboratory Services.
Which category describes your business?
DOT Status
If DOT & Non-DOT please check the agency above the applies to your company.
Are you interested in Background Investigations? Please check all that apply.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions VieGenix Laboratory Services("VieGenix) web application (“VieGenix App”) is the online management system for drug, alcohol and occupational medical tests, integrated with the VieGenix Medical Review Officer (MRO) service, laboratory result processing. The VieGenix App covers employee compliance management, random selection programs. VieGenix and Employer hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth as follows: I. Terms and Conditions 1. The undersigned individual; acting on behalf of a DOT/FMCSA-regulated business entity, represents and warrants to VieGenix that he/she has the authority to bind such entity to the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not have such authority, you must not accept this agreement and must not use the VieGenix App. 2. VieGenix hereby grants to Employer a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable right, to access and use the VieGenix App. 3. Employer is responsible for taking all reasonable steps to ensure that no unauthorized person shall have access to the VieGenix App and is fully responsible for all activities that occur under Employer assigned accounts. 4. Employer is responsible for all data entered into the VieGenix App - it’s validity, legal consents, privacy and compliance with federal, state and local regulations. VieGenix cannot and does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information Employer submits or retrieves from the VieGenix App. 5. Employer recognizes that VieGenix has an option to be is its “Third-party administrator” or “Consortium” as defined by the Department of Transportation laws. Until the relationship is established, VieGenix App is an online service for Employer to use but the Employer alone is responsible for all DOT compliance matters. 6. VieGenix cannot be held liable for any non-compliance rulings or citations against Employer for any reason. 7. Employer agrees to pay all charges resulting from the use of VieGenix App, including any drug testing confirmations. 8. In the event that full payment of any or all charges due to VieGenix by the Employer has not been received by VieGenix within 14 days of the date, payment is due, VieGenix will notify Employer of the delinquent charges. If the delinquent charges are not received within the next 14 days of the delinquency notification, VieGenix reserves the right to terminate this agreement and VieGenix App access. 9. The VieGenix App and VieGenix websites may contain links to other websites. VieGenix is not responsible for the terms of use or privacy practices of such other sites. VieGenix encourages users to be aware when they leave VieGenix web sites and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. 10. Employer consents to receive electronic, fax communication from VieGenix. Employer agrees that alerts, test results, notices, agreements, disclosures, statements, other messages that VieGenix sends to Employer electronically or by fax will satisfy legal communication requirements, the same as if such communications were presented in writing unless otherwise determined by applicable law. 11. This agreement is not valid unless signed and dated by authorized representatives of both Employer and VieGenix. Signed agreements must be either scanned into the VieGenix App at the time of agreement initiation or faxed to the Med-Stop main fax number. Faxed agreements will be then scanned by VieGenix representative and stored as Employer binding document in the VieGenix App. II. Indemnification Employer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold VieGenix, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers, harmless from and against any claims, actions or demands, liabilities and settlements including without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from, Employer violation of this agreement, using VieGenix App, where allowable to the full extend of the law. III. No Class Action Employer and VieGenix agree that each may bring claims against the other only in its individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. Further, unless both Employer and VieGenix agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. IV. Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability 1. Employer expressly agrees that the use of the VieGenix App is at Employer’s sole risk. VieGenix does not warrant that the use of the VieGenix p App will be uninterrupted or error-free. 2. VieGenix App is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, other than those warranties which are implied by and incapable of exclusion, restriction or modification under the laws applicable to this agreement. 3. To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, in no event shall VieGenix be liable to Employer for any injury, property damage, lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, loss of data, work stoppage, computer and/or device or technology failure or malfunction or for any form of direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages based on any causes of action arising out of use of the VieGenix App or any alleged failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in service, operation, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of or posting of any record, content, or technology, pertaining to the VieGenix App. Employer agrees that this limitation of liability applies whether such allegations are for breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, or fall under any other cause of action, regardless of the basis upon which liability is claimed and even if the VieGenix has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. 4. If applicable law does not allow all or any part of the above limitation of liability to apply to Employer, the limitations will apply to Employer only to the extent permitted by applicable law. V. Governing law Terms and conditions of this agreement and the resolution of any disputes related to these terms and conditions shall be construed, interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina, and be resolved exclusively by the state and federal courts of the State of South Carolina. VI. Modifications of this agreement VieGenix reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time. Employer will be notified about such modifications by the alert in the VieGenix App. The modified version of this agreement will be available to Employer in the VieGenix App. Employer’s continued use of the VieGenix App after the effective date of any change to this agreement will be deemed acceptance by the Employer to the modified terms. VII. Termination 1. Employer may terminate this agreement at any time by notifying VieGenix of such termination via VieGenix App support form, by faxing the agreement termination letter to the VieGenix fax number, sending termination information to VieGenix email info@viegenixlabservices.com. The Employer remains responsible for any and all outstanding fees owed. 2. VieGenix may terminate or suspend the agreement without notice, for conduct that VieGenix believes is a breach of this agreement or a violation of any applicable law. Employer will be notified by VieGenix agreement termination letter faxed to the main Employer fax number or emailed to the main Employer email address. 3. This agreement will be terminated if Employer does not accept the modifications of this agreement or pay any outstanding balances owed in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 4. The Employer account can be suspended and/or the agreement terminated if Employer has past-due, outstanding VieGenix fees older than 28 days. 5. Termination of Employer account will include denial of access to VieGenix App, deletion of all data in Employer account.