Background Checks

Database Searches

This Database Search draws from over 500 million records from thousands of jurisdictions, including counties, department of corrections (DOC), administrative office of courts (AOC), and offender registries from all 50 states, plus Washington DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate

Same as Nation al Criminal Database Check but adds an alias name search, SSN trace, and a sex
offender registry search

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

Searches all sex offender registries for all 50 states, District of Columbia, US Territories, and Indian Country

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 


This database is compiled from county courthouses, Department of Corrections
(DOC), and Administration of the Court (AOC), and is bundled with our Global
Security Watch List and Sex Offender Records database sources.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

Reports information from federal district courts and contains only specific high-level, white collar crimes and crimes that cross state lines

  • Average Turnaround Time: 2 days

Records on run by county with in each state and return of results depends on the county. Most felony and misdemeanor cases are filed in county courts so county criminal record searches are one of the most powerful sources for uncovering criminal records and confirming database records

  • Average Turnaround Time: 2-3 days 

FACIS LEVEL 3 Search: OIG, Federal, State, Board Actions Check (OFSB)

Reverse SSN search to locate name and address of person search

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

A tool that aggregates information about an individual from a variety of social networks and social profiles to ascertain depth of background on a person

  • Average Turnaround Time: 1 day

Includes information about individuals and corporations linked to terrorism or terrorist activity. Also included are those that have been debarred, denied, sanctioned, or are listed on exclusion, most wanted, fugitive lists, and more

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

A civil court record check provides additional insight into your candidate’s legal history beyond criminal activity, such as any claims, suits, bankruptcy, or judgments where the candidate is listed as a respondent

  • Average Turnaround Time: 2-3 days 

Allows employers to verify their applicants’ work histories and confirm the information they have reported

  • Average Turnaround Time: Within an hour

This search confirms a job candidate’s past work history to ensure the candidate has the experience necessary to perform job and reveal false employment claims.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Within an hour

Validity of reference from someone who outside of work that vouches for your character

  • Average Turnaround Time: Within an hour 

Someone who you have worked closely with and can speak to your daily work habits, performance, and work ethic.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Within an hour

Contacting the board or agency from which the applicants license was issued as well as checking other jurisdictions in which he or she has previously lived.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Within an hour

Nationwide system search that enables state drivers licensing agencies to ensure that each commercial driver has only one driver license and one complete driver record.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

Access to the largest proprietary tenant history database to provide rental dispute records.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

This search is designed to provide leads to rental dispute records from a single state.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

Provides a 3 year driving record search on all held licenses in the US

  • Average Turnaround Time: Immediate 

This search turns up crimes and offenses in a candidate’s previous countries of residence. Criminal background information is subject to limited availability based on a country’s laws and regulations.

  • Average Turnaround Time: Varies 

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